Monday, January 19, 2009


Austin decided it would be fun to teach me how to fly fish this weekend, but the 2 day adventure was a little more than I could handle.
Day 1: Austin spent most of this day teaching me how to throw, ducking and watching his head as I swung the rod aimlessly, and untangling me from bushes, branches and other mysterious things my rod decided to catch on to. Before he was even able to cast once he spent 30 minutes rock/cliff climbing to get my pole which I had cast all the way across the creek and got tied up on the other shore line, I did however "about catch" a trout. As I was bring it in he flopped high above the water and started freaking out, which then freaked me out and I about just let go of my pole, I finally decided to just close my eyes and hope it landed on land. It, of course, got away and Austin laughed.

Day 2: Today was much better I still failed to catch any fish but was about to get myself out of tangled trees and Austin was able to fish a bit more. He still laughed every now and again as he replayed my eye shutting attempt to catch my bite yesterday.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Closing out 2008

Here are some pictures from Christmas! Austin and I spent our first Christmas together this year, not only our first married but our first together! it was really special waking up next to him and being able to spend the holiday as Mrs. Hanna.
Cheech and Austin hung out all Christmas Eve, they were excited for presents in the morning!

Emmy, Brooke, and me Christmas day at moms's. They were so excited to take a sissy picture, I thought it was a good idea since we don't see much of eachother these days, Brooke being off at college and me married.

Bringing in the New year as a married women I have learned a few things......

1. Being married is a special thing I am so grateful for.
2. Never expect the smallest task to be done when you return home from work, 99.9% of the time he will forget you asked him for anything and spent the last 4 hours playing video games.
3. All though we have our arguements, the best thing is waking up next to Austin the next morning and knowing how much we care for eachother.