Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Year Already?

Feels like just the other day I was anxiously planning my wedding and making dreams come true. It is hard to believe that it has already been a year since Austin and I were wed. It has been a great year both learning and growing together.

Many of you don't know the story of how we met so I am taking this year's anniversary to share it:

My roommate and I were sitting at home watching a movie when her cousin called saying he wanted us to come over and hang out with him and some of his friends. It was about 10 pm and neither of us wanted to go, of course we were both in sweats and just wanted to stay in and relax. After many calls from her cousin we decided we would go by for a bit and say hi. We ended up enjoying being out and about an hour into it Austin walked in. Right away I got butterflies in my tummy and didn't know what to think. I had been around him before when I hung out with his roommates but never really talked or hung out with him. We got along right away and talked all night. From that night on we were inseparable. I remember waking up the next morning and waiting for him to call or text me... finally I got up the nerve and did it myself. We hung out that day and everyday since! Later I found out that he too didn't want to go hang out that night, since he has worked till about 11:30 pm, and the fact that we both did even against our feelings proves that we were suppose to be together.

The first year has be a journey and we have both learned a lot. Marriage is hard sometimes but the love that grows everyday with it makes it more than worth it.

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