Thursday, August 5, 2010

I can't leave that like THAT!

Maybe it's my OCD but this morning I had to laugh at myself.....

I was caught up in blogging my previous post when I realized it was time for me to head to work. I went to the kitchen to grab some graham crackers to snack on at work when I noticed I had not cleaned or put away the pans from last night. Original thought was I can't leave that like that, so I washed and put away the pans. I grabbed my crackers and headed for my keys only to see two pairs of my shoes under the side table in the living room. Again, I can't leave that like that, so I put down my things and picked up my shoes to put away. After throwing them in my closet I turn to see my bed isn't made. Now on most days this would not bother me but for some reason today it did.... I can't leave that like that. I made the bed, and turned to finally leave, or so I thought. There right by the door of my bedroom is a huge pile of laundry needing washed. I picked up what I could grab and threw it in the washer. Realizing this could continue for another hour I decided I HAVE to leave. On my finally attempt to get out of the house and to work I see my camera on the counter and with a quick glance at the clock I think to myself... What would any blogger do in this situation??

Take a picture and blog so others can laugh along with me of course.

Notice the time of 8:15
My commute to work is roughly 25 minutes and I am due there at 8:30. Dang my OCD!

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